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The Leap Programme

This is ideal for your first steps into coaching...

If you want to get to know who you are, what you want from life, and how to achieve it. If you are ready to COMMIT to change, this programme is perfect for you.


If you are completely new to coaching - this is your first coaching experience.


You have hit that cross-road in life. You are constantly trying to achieve but not sure why you're not?


You are tired and exhausted and realise changes needs to be made.


You would love to make some major changes in your life but you are afraid.


What’s included:


• 6 sessions (1 hr)

• 6 weeks

• Full on intense coaching

• Action plan to change your PARADIGMS

• RESET your internal programme so it is in tune with your dreams

90 Day  "YOU" Programme

If you are looking to find direction and purpose in your life...

Focus your confidence and self-worth. Find more time and make more money, then I invite you to join me. Work with me in a 90-day private coaching programme to get clear on your purpose, your values and your dreams. When you decide to start living life on YOUR terms, and create your most FABULOUS life, then YOU get to take back the power. Discover your TRUE BRILLIANCE and step confidently into the BEST version of YOU.


What’s included:


• 90 mins Skype/telephone call to start with. Here, we will discuss where you are, where you want to be and what your blocks are.

• 90 Days of my attention focused on you. I will answer any questions you may have or help you deal with any challenges that arise along the way. We will work on your core values and beliefs.

• We will explore how clear you feel about your life choices, and about your current goals. We will examine how you are currently viewing the world, what distractions or blocks are causing you to fall short of your goals. Then we will look at what new habits and routines can help, and support you in achieving your goals.

• A further 6 (1 hour) coaching calls over the 90-day period. We will use this time to discuss the key learnings and awareness gained, and work through any blocks or challenges that you face. Calls will be scheduled usually every 2 weeks and are conducted over Skype/Zoom or Telephone.

• Full email support and access to me during the 90 days of your programme. This will enable you to reach out, ask me any questions you have or anything urgent. This means we can keep in touch on your progress without the need to wait for our next call.

• Resources as required. I have worksheets, resources and can recommended read certain books, articles and for specific areas to keep you fully supported and ensure your powerful growth and success.


Join me in person for the day, where it's all about "YOU"...




We will work through blocks and/or limiting beliefs you may have. We will create a clear plan of action. This package is for you if you already have a clear idea as to what you want from life and what your dream life looks like.


What’s included:


• A welcome pack so that I can get to know you more deeply before our meeting. This will give me some key insights and enable me to ensure that we make the best possible use of our 1 day session.

• A full day experience where you will have 100% of my attention. Throughout the day, we will have opportunity for a number of intensive coaching sessions. Get a clear vision of your needs and work through any limiting beliefs.

• A delicious lunch will be supplied at a restaurant.

• My undivided attention, energy and complete focus on "YOU".

• A 90-day Action plan specifically designed and tailored to YOU and help you achieve your goals.

• We will finish the day celebrating your achievements, YOUR new clear vision and YOUR dream life, with a nice glass of wine, beer or cocktail (or drink of choice/ soft drink if you do not drink alcohol) .

• 2 x 30 minute follow up calls one 2 weeks later and another 5 weeks to review progress and remove any blocks you may have come across along the way. 

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